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Car rental Terms


This contract commits location-voiture. ma who will be called the renter, and the natural or legal person, company or companies by whom signed this contract, which will be called "tenant".
The Renter undertakes not to allow the car to be driven by persons other than himself or those approved by the lessor and for which he guarantees, and to reuse the vehicle only for his personal needs. It is forbidden to any competition whatsoever, and to use the rented vehicle by carrying a greater number of passengers than the one carried on the contract, on pain of being forfeited to the Insurance.
Required documents: 

Pilots are required to submit:A valid identity card or residence.
The driver's license of the driver and any other additional driver (originals only).
A valid passport for MRE and foreigners. A copy of the documents will be taken and kept in our rental records.
Rental conditions: 

- The minimum age required to rent a vehicle is 21 years old.
- The driver must have a valid driver's license for more than two years.
- In the event of non-presentation of these parts to the renter when taking charge of the vehicle, the latter reserves the right not to rent.
- The renter must return the vehicle in the same condition as the delivery.
- The tenant is responsible for the road as parking.
- The damage of the vehicle is covered only on the production of an accident report within 24 hours.
- It is forbidden to use the tracks with a rental car except 4x4.
- All-risk insurance with deductible in case of an accident.
- Public liability.
- The persons transported,
- Theft of the vehicle.
- Fire and breakage of glass.
- For any accident, a report is mandatory
Mechanical problems:
In the case of a mechanical problem, you must immediately inform the rental company, the phone number is on the rental agreement. Authorizations to repair or replace the vehicle must be requested and granted by the renter.
The tenant is formally forbidden to abandon the vehicle. In the case of material impossibility, it is repatriated to the expenses and by the care of the tenant, the rent remaining due until the return of the vehicle
The renter will give at the end of the rental and at the return of the car, the registration and all the necessary paperwork for circulation, otherwise, these parts are essential for new rentals, the rental will continue to be billed at the initial price until they are handed over to society. In case of loss of these documents, the tenant will have to pay the amount of duplicating costs, as well as the immobilization.
The tenant remains solely responsible for the fines. Contraventions and minutes against him.
By express agreement and in the event of any dispute, the Moroccan courts are only competent, the costs of stamps and registration remain the responsibility of the tenant.